---------Be sure to visit www.mecoa.com to see all our products. 2-18-2024

Want to paint your Rodzy? CLICK HERE for a great price.
We have a limited supply of original bodies with poor paint in need of repainting.
These are from Bob Cameron's original stash.

Original Running Rodzy's available in Limited Supply.
Available with .09 and .15 engines.
Complete with original box, instructions, and
These are all original USA made parts from 60 years ago. NO CHINESE COMPONENTS and we don't convert Nylint cars so don't ask.

Click for price and to order
Red Body - Black Pan with .09 Engine
Red Body - Black Pan with .15 Engine

These are the last Rodzy's Bob Cameron was in the process in assembling.
Very Nice paint but not perfect. Exactly like they were in the 1950's
We can assemble any color combination of Red, Black, Blue, and Yellow on request.

MECOA owns the rights to the Rodzy Tether Car

We have original parts for your car to put it in perfect original shape.

Click Here for a list of Rodzy Parts

Click Here for the Rodzy Instruction Manual

We still have these Nylint Display Models while supply lasts
Rodzy Car

See all the Cameron engines and company history at www.cameronengines.com
The words Cameron and Rodzy and their logos are Trademarks of Model Engine Corp of America